
We Care exemplifies volunteerism at its best as more than seven-hundred (700) individuals from every walk of life give of their time for the 48-hour telethon. It is a coordinated effort of twenty-six departments, all working together, for a common goal. It is the homemaker, the secretary, the business owner, it is the elected official, the factory worker, the unemployed, it is the rich, the poor, the retired; it is the doctor, the banker, the waitress and business manager who walk through the door and are recognized as valuable volunteers.

Some are second and third generation of those who volunteered many years ago. It is hard work. It is a task for which individuals wait in line, lose sleep and disrupt their weekend. It is a togetherness and a goal which everyone feels and shares. It is something private and very special within the heart of each and every volunteer.

If you are interested in volunteering for We Care, you may submit the form below and return it to We Care. You may also print out the PDF version of the form and return to We Care.

Volunteer Submission Form

Download PDF version here

Thanks for your interest in volunteering for We Care!